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Residency Booking – ROBOT INVENTORS Luria


Approximate breakdown of the classes:

10min – Introduction, Lesson

30min – building

15min – decorating and showcasing

  5min – clean up 


One class every Tuesday from September 10 Through October 29, 2024

    • Pricing is valid until 8/16/2024
    • No Refunds. Additionally, no portion of the fees will be refunded for children who miss classes.
    • Pricing is based on 1 Brooklyn Robot Foundry teacher leading Inventors
    • In the event that schools are closed for an extended period, we will have to find a similarly mutually-suitable arrangement online.


Each class will have a minimum of 10 students, and a maximum of 20 students

Brooklyn Robot Foundry will provide 1 head teacher and Luria Academy will provide 0 assistant teachers in each class to help with the build. 


Price Per Class (based on 15 students): $480

Total price for all classes in program (8 classes/15 participants): $3,840

Minimum of 10 students, maximum of 20, per class. Each additional student over the minimum will be charged $32 per student/per class. 


CLASSES: 1 class/week, except for days school is closed


  • Individually-packed robot kits for each student, each week
  • Screwdrivers, other additional tools to be returned after each class.
  • Decorations


  • Teacher will bring all the weekly building materials. Brooklyn Robot Foundry to store the bin of ongoing supplies at school between classes. 
  • Brooklyn Robot Foundry teacher will travel to Luria and lead each class.  The teacher will participate solely in the Brooklyn Robot Foundry class and will not take part in any other portion of the Luria programming. 


Brooklyn Robot Foundry is the sole provider of these programs. Building instructions are not to be shared and the  Luria Academy employees may not build the projects with children outside of our scheduled classes. 


Luria will provide:

  • Classroom with enough desk or table space for each participant to work comfortably
  • One additional counter or table for supplies
  • Storage space for the teacher cart in between classes. 
  • 1 adults/assistants for each class

We reserve the right to use still images and video from the program for marketing or training use, unless we receive written notification from any participants stating otherwise.  We will not publish the names of students, but may reference the school/camp/organization.


  • Signed contract, estimated participant count, and deposit due by 8/16/2024. 
  • Final class roster due by 8/16/2024. 
  • Upon class receipt of the final roster, we will invoice you for this class. 


Luria will have until 8/16/2024 to cancel the classes in writing (email).  If canceled prior to 8/16/2024, the deposit will be refunded less the cost of materials and labor for the first class. If Luria cancels after 8/16/2024, the deposit and any fees collected will not be refunded.

In the event that Luria is closed for weather or public health reasons, we do not offer refunds. We will postpone completion of the program to a future date, or find a similarly mutually-suitable arrangement, such as online classes. 

There will be no refunds, reductions in price, or makeup classes, for students who register but miss a class. We will not be able to provide a video recording of the class or building instructions. 

be able to provide a video recording of the class or building instructions.



In-Person Class

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Organization Information

This should be the address where we will do the robot building.

We have a minimum number of students required to run a class. If you have less kids, we can still run the program, but you would have to pay as if the minimum number of kids were enrolled.

A range is fine if final numbers are not yet known.

Please let us know any important information here (ex. do any students require any special accommodations, etc.)

Payment Info

I understand that the amount I am paying is the deposit. And that I will owe additional money per agreed upon terms.

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