
Engineered for Growth

Built for Fun

Brooklyn Robot Foundry has been named a top pick by franchising professionals because our vast curriculum and mobile model make it engineered for growth!

Photograph of Jenny and Tawny sitting at a table in the Brooklyn Robot Foundry booth at IFE

You know what they say…

It’s always a good time to build robots!

93% of parents in the United States believe that STEM/STEAM education should be a priority. Brooklyn Robot Foundry franchise owners benefit from an expansive curriculum with verticals that span

all days…


Graphic of programs by day of the week & time, illustrating that Brooklyn Robot Foundry has programs that can be run all day long, all week!

…all year-long….


Graphic of programs by season, illustrating that Brooklyn Robot Foundry programs are happening all year-round.

…for almost all ages!


Graphic of programs by age, illustrating that Brooklyn Robot Foundry programs are available for kids 2-14yrs + adults.


Brooklyn Robot Foundry franchises bring their classes directly to their students. Not only does this mean not having to deal with a brick-and-mortar location, it means there’s room for almost endless growth. The benefits of this model are plentiful, including lower costs and increased access, diversity, and enrollment.

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