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Residency Booking – ROBOT CODERS


This is for sending to organizations once you actually are ready for them to book it.

This is to sign the contract and pay the deposit.



In-Person Class

Fill In Your Information

Organization Information

This should be the address where we will do the robot building.

We have a minimum number of students required to run a class. If you have less kids, we can still run the program, but you would have to pay as if the minimum number of kids were enrolled.

A range is fine if final numbers are not yet known.

Please let us know any important information here (ex. do any students require any special accommodations, etc.)

Payment Info

The amount I am paying is the deposit. I understand that I will owe additional money per the terms and conditions below.

Accept Terms & Conditions

Please click below to read the full Program Policies and Terms & Conditions:

View Program Policies/Terms & Conditions

Please click below to read the Photo & Video Release:

View Photo & Video Release

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