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Four Reasons We Love SparkFun…

If you aren’t already familiar with Boulder, Colorado based SparkFun Electronics, let us proudly introduce you to them… here are four reasons we love them:

1.) They design and sell inventive products (like the Bright Bunny Kit which we use in our Robot Girls Club), have a clear, easy to navigate website, and they ship things for a reasonable amount – which is so rare for hobbyist, electronics companies.

2.) If you ever go to Maker Faire on the west coast, you have to check out their massive booth.   I’ve never seen so many kids and parents soldering together.  And the great thing is that just like in our soldering classes at the Foundry, the kids totally focus and behave.  Plus, they bring out these incredible SparkFun vending machines that sell their products – such a neat scene.

3.) One time this past Christmas season, I put together a small order at SparkFun, went to check out, and I was greeted with this:



I was so astounded, that I took a screenshot of it, and finally get the chance to share this.  What an incredible promotion and surprise – they basically just gave me what I had ordered for free.  Unbelievable.

4.) They just posted a really nice interview that they did with Jenny and me.

Thanks SparkFun!




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