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Maker Faire 2012 – and our one year anniversary…

World Maker Faire 2012 was amazing! We met so many great people, and Brooklyn Robot Foundry was awarded two “Educators Choice Awards” which we will hang proudly at the Foundry.

The Faire was somewhat of an anniversary for us as well – last year’s Maker Faire was Brooklyn Robot Foundry’s first public appearance – at that time we had no physical space and hadn’t taught a single class.

What a year! We were able to locate and revamp a wonderful space in Gowanus, we’ve now taught dozens of classes, opened a robot shop, hosted a score of incredible birthday parties, and lead 10 *unbelievable* week long summer sessions.

We just wanted to say, “Thanks!!” to our wonderful staff, wonderful parents, and amazing kids.

Here’s to year two!

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