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Tiny Builders Starts This Week, Clubs Start Soon!

Family Club is a fun, evening class designed for a child K-5th grade and family/caregiver(s) to take together. We provide pizza, and a fun, new robot project every week for families to build together! Kids K-2 will build and take home a cool robot that moves, lights up or both using LEDs, gears, motors, and special switches. For kids in 3rd-5th grade, you may register  for the Programming option, and work on an advanced robot each week that is controlled by a computer; it’s a great introduction to coding!

Clubs run for four weeks and are $140 plus a $60 material fee.


IMG_9816The Tiny Builders sessions are morning classes for children ages 2-4, and a caregiver who will stay and build with them. Each week kids will build and take home a new robot, while learning about circuits, electricity and engineering through a fun robot story! Our March session is 5 weeks long, but even if you miss the first class, you may still sign up for a pro-rated session. We will be making projects such as a light-up house, a bubble blowing robot, and a “sun!”

Trials available at our Manhattan locations to new Tiny Builder customers for $25!

This Weekend’s One Time Classes

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